Nearly half of adults in the United States are missing at least one tooth, and the causes aren’t always poor oral hygiene. If you’ve been trying to conceal a missing tooth, you aren’t alone. You can restore your confidence with dental implants and smile proudly once again. Ridgetop Dental Group is a Reston, VA dental implant provider specializing in customized cosmetic dentistry that fits your needs, goals, and budget.
How Do Dental Implants Work?
A metal implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, taking the place of the missing tooth root. An artificial tooth, called a crown, is attached to the implant, creating the appearance of a completely natural smile. The best part about implants is that they look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. Once the implant heals, it becomes a permanent part of your smile.
How Can Dental Implants Help Restore My Confidence?
Implants can benefit both your confidence in your appearance and your oral health. Unlike other tooth replacement options, implants are used and cleaned like your natural teeth and require no special maintenance. There is no need to remove the implant for eating or cleaning, so no one will know about your implant(s) unless you told them.
You can be confident in your oral health with implants, too. When a permanent tooth is lost, the jaw bone can lose shape and change the structure of your mouth and face shape. This can risk the stability of your bite and even the health of the teeth surrounding the gap. Dental implants stimulate jawbone tissue production in a process called osseointegration, keeping your teeth securely in place.
Top Cosmetic Dentist in Reston, VA
Ridgetop Dental Group specializes in customized treatment plans that take all of your needs into consideration. To help you achieve the smile of your dreams, we take all aspects of your oral health, facial attributes, personal preferences, and budget into account.
We believe in healthy, beautiful smiles and helping our patients feel confident in their appearance. Schedule your free comprehensive consultation online to start restoring your smile and confidence today.