
How Dental Implants Restore Your Confidence and Smile

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preventive dental care in Reston VA

There’s no need to feel self-conscious about a missing tooth. Missing teeth aren’t just caused by poor oral hygiene, and there are many treatments available to refresh your smile. Dr. Datta Malyavantham of Ridgetop Dental Group in Reston, VA recommends dental implants to replace missing teeth due to their longevity, durability, and natural appearance.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants actually take the place of the missing tooth. A metal implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, replacing the missing tooth’s root. Next, an artificial tooth called a crown is attached to the implant, blending with the rest of your teeth. Dental implants do not affect the surrounding teeth.

How Can Dental Implants Help Restore My Confidence?

Dental implants are used and cleaned just like natural teeth and do not require any special maintenance. Implants are a permanent addition to your smile, so you do not have to remove the implant to clean it like you would with dentures. You can still brush and floss normally, and no one would know you had an implant unless you told them.

Implants restore your confidence in your oral health, too. When you lose a permanent tooth, the underlying jawbone deteriorates and changes shape, affecting the stability of the surrounding teeth. Implants actually stimulate jawbone growth, making them an ideal choice for tooth replacement over a long period of time.

You don’t have to worry about your implants falling out or adhering to the gums. Your daily life will not be affected by your dental implants, so you can eat and smile in front of others with confidence.

Dental Implants in Reston, VA

Implants are a long-term investment in your oral health. Ridgetop Dental Group is focused on the long term maintenance of a comfortable, functional smile that provides confidence and the best possible quality of life. Schedule your free comprehensive consultation online to start restoring your smile and confidence today.

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